Monday, September 24, 2007

Sleep, eat, poop repeat

This seems like the cycle of my life for the last 7 weeks. Well, not my life, I'm just the facilitator. I know it doesn't sound like the glamorous life, but I am finding it to be pretty fulfilling. Don't get me wrong, there are moments, when I say, "If I get spit up on one more time, I'm gonna lose it!", and anyone who knows me knows me, knows that that getting up at 5:00 am is the last thing I would want to do, but over all being a mommy is pretty great. I would have to say Eliza Grace is pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I am actually pretty amazed by myself. Not by any of my own doing, but I am amazed by how easy it was to move into this "mommy position". I have not been around very many newborn babies, but as soon as the nurse handed Eliza to me I knew what to do, well at least the basics. There was no thinking about it, I just did it. I guess God just does that, at least for me he did. I do worry, "am I being a good mom?", "am I going to turn this kid into a monster?" I laugh a little at myself when I think about how I used to critique people's parenting skills, like I knew anything about being a parent. Even at 7 weeks, I can see how easy it is to want to give your child anything her heart desires. I'm pretty sure that would fall into the catagorie of turning my kid into a monster. I guess we just have to do our best and pray that God uses us to teach her. You can all pray for us too. Well' this was my first attempt at blogging, hopefully I didn't bore you all. For now I must go, the cycle is about to start again.


Kaysi said...

Yay! She's so precious... I'm excited to hear about your life as a mommy. =)

Julie said...

Welcome! Get ready, this can get addicting. I am constantly wondering what things in my life are good enough to "blog" about...

Dallas Lange said...

Yippee! Look forward to getting glimpses of the Balls' lives. It is pretty amazing how God designed us to slip into mommy mode when we need to. She is beautiful.

acoplen said...

I am so excited you started a blog! I am so bad a keeping in touch with people and I really missing knowing what's going on in you life and Mikes. Eliza is beautiful. Almost makes me want to have one. I definitely want to get emilies number from you! I really need to get back in touch with her!!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a hard transition for me either. Maybe it was being the oldest of four children, but for some reason having Mateo is just... right.

It's the way my life is meant to be with my wife and son.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I found your blog through Jose's page. I love, love, love the pictures! Your baby is beautiful! I can't believe you guys have been married seven years now. Wow, time flies.